⚔️ Life Changing Offer from Forging Excalibur ⚔️

The Holy Grail: Become a Powerful Man of Purpose

How to Master Your Mind and Develop Unshakeable Confidence

(Without Expensive Coaching, Meditation, or Risking Everything You’ve Built)

If you’re absolutely satisfied right now with a stagnant business, a passionless relationship and a weak sense of self…this isn’t for you. Good luck.


But… if you want to create purpose and power, instead of living a meaningless life…

To be courageous and not vulnerable…

To become irresistible to the woman you love…

And to have it all, without risking it all…

Read on.

First, Gentlemen, let’s get something straight:

The program that I’m about to show you is not designed to be downloaded and skimmed through in between meetings.

It’s also not designed to make you rich, give you six pack abs or make you feel better overnight.

This is a system that I’ve created over decades of studying successful (and unsuccessful) men and their minds, and knowing that what actually works…

Is putting in the work.

So once again, I’ll say that if it’s a quick fix you’re looking for, I wish you all the best, but this isn’t for you.

However, if you can dedicate just one and a half months to dramatically changing the direction of your life, then let me tell you more.

What Is The Program?

‘The Holy Grail’: is an Experience for married entrepreneurs and businessmen to transform themselves into 'Powerful Men of Purpose’

This program is going to be very different from everything else you’ve seen, or maybe even paid for in the past.

That’s because we’ve taken out everything that doesn’t help men to transform, and laid out a step-by-step system that you can follow to achieve powerful, sustainable success in every area of your life.

Here’s a breakdown of what’s involved

The Holy Grail Program:

  • My 3-Step Framework for Transforming you into a Powerful Man of Purpose by Mastering your Mind and Reclaiming your Life.

  • A day-by-day system to follow, with all the resources you need to guide you through every stage of this transformation in real time.

  • Exploring and solidifying the foundations of personal development (without the fluff), to prepare you for the journey to come.

  • Fully automated and self paced… meaning you’re not locked in to set dates and times to sit on Zoom and listen to other people get coached. You make the rules, and complete this as you want to.

  • Full accountability from our team, so even though you’re not running on our time, we will be there to make sure you get the most out of each and every module in the program.

  • Lifetime access to all of the content we give you, so even if ‘now isn’t the right time’, you’ll have all the tools you need to explore and uncover your true potential as your life evolves with you.

We create our programs to be a remedy for a world where men no longer need to represent masculinity to survive and to lead.

A world where food and supplies are delivered to our doorstep…

Where comfort, work, money, even sex, can all be found behind the blue light of our smartphone screens…

And where men are discouraged from embracing the true values that we used to regard so highly for thousands of years.

Now, I’ll just make something clear…

I understand.

I understand that maybe you’ve done some coaching or mentoring programs before and paid a lot of money for someone to give you morning routines and accountability…

And I know that there’s an awful lot of coaches out there with one big secret that will guarantee you an exploding business and the best sex of your life.

So before I go on, I wanted to introduce myself quickly:

I’m Michael Lauria.

Now, I’ll just make something clear…

I understand.

I understand that maybe you’ve done some coaching or mentoring programs before and paid a lot of money for someone to give you morning routines and accountability…

And I know that there’s an awful lot of coaches out there with one big secret that will guarantee you an exploding business and the best sex of your life.

So before I go on, I wanted to introduce myself quickly:

I’m Michael Lauria.

I remember a time when I was unemployed, bankrupt, unable to see my children, and I was evicted because I couldn’t pay rent.

I was helplessly reliant on alcohol and anti-depressants, and came close to ending it.

Same old story you’ve heard before, right?

And then, yep, you guessed it.

I turned it around.

I spent years studying psychology, counseling, neuroplasticity and neuroscience, and creating my process. I wrote a book, ran retreats, multiple successful businesses, have an incredible marriage and three children I love and adore.

So you’ve heard all that before, too.

But here’s something you probably haven’t heard before.

In the 1200s, one of my ancestors, Roger De Lauria, was a real-life Knight, a commander of a fleet of ships and a hero who brought peace to the island of Sicily.

When I worked in my counseling practice, seeing how men were consistently being weakened by aggressive feminist rhetoric, aud the fear of being labeled ‘toxic’...

I thought back to Roger De Lauria and his fleet.

I thought about how men are becoming increasingly uncomfortable showing their strength and standing up as leaders…

And abandoning the 8 Standards that men used to live and die by:

  • Integrity

  • Strength

  • Courage

  • Self Actualisation

  • Compassion

  • Purpose

  • Contribution

  • Discipline

Since those days, it has become my mission to help men everywhere to embrace and personify these values…

Because when a man can truly hold himself to these standards every day…

He unlocks his true potential, not just for material success, but to become a man of power and purpose.

Now, let’s get back to the program.

The Holy Grail is your fastest and most definitive path to becoming a man of purpose, for 2 reasons:

We have condensed the original length of the programs involved and given you a wildly effective system that you will follow to create results in just 50% of the time.

We have included thousands of dollars of additional bonuses that will enhance your discovery at every step…

Meaning if you start this program today, you’ll be equipped with the tools to continue your journey to power and meaning, for years to come.

So, here’s exactly what you’ll get:

  • The Holy Grail Experience (Value $14,995)

    • The Initiation

    • The Knight's Code

    • The Hero's Journey

    • The Round Table

  • Money Mindset Course, where you’ll discover the rules that I live by daily, which have taken me from being unable to scrape together my weekly rent, to absolute financial freedom in any economic climate. (Value $297)

So, if you haven’t added it up yet…

That brings the total value of all of these programs and bonuses to $15,292

But we’re going to give you all of it today for just $999. 

That’s a discount of basically 93%.

Why would we do that?

Up until now, we’ve charged premium prices for our coaching programs.  

And while we know that they are drastically improving the lives of the men who have gone through them… 

We’re ready to make an impact.

We are ready for men across the entire planet to know what they are truly capable of…

To know that they can have it all…

  • A successful career and business with purpose…

  • True financial security…

  • Connected, intimate relationships…

  • Time for themselves and their families…

  • Unshakeable confidence…

  • The ability to fulfill their dreams…

We want to make this available to every man, everywhere.

So we’re prepared to give you access today for just $999

No strings attached.

Here's What To Do Next

When you click BUY NOW, you’ll get instant access to every digital asset in the program, along with instructions on how to use it.

You can access your program anywhere, instantly, with nothing holding you back from getting started on your path to power and purpose.

You’ll also get the link to join The Forge, so you can begin to form your brotherhood from the moment you get your first email.

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And, in case you’re still thinking…

‘Why is all of this being given to me for just $999…

What’s the catch?'

There isn’t one. No ongoing costs. No subscription.

No obligations to do anything except put in the work that will give you and your family the life that you deserve.


We’re giving you all of these programs knowing that we’re not making a profit…

But hoping that you’ll help us as a figurehead of a movement, and spread the word amongst men for many years to come.

That being said…

We cannot guarantee that this offer is going to be here forever.

Selling our programs at a 99.9% discount may not prove to be a successful business model…

And while we do have bigger, longer, more premium programs available…

We may not always have this program, with all these bonuses, at this price.

So I ask you to take this offer while you can…

And if you’re not 100% satisfied with what we deliver…

Let us know before the 45 days is up, and we’ll return your $, no questions asked.

Is that fair?

If you think ‘YES, that’s fair, and yes, I am ready to stand up and claim the life I want…’

Then all that’s left to do is click ‘BUY NOW’ below…

To begin your Hero’s Journey and Forge your very own Excalibur.

I’ll see you inside.

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